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Find out about the Mayor of Guildford

Meet the Mayor and Deputy Mayor

Mayor Portraits

Councillor Sallie Barker MBE is the Mayor of Guildford for 2024-25.

She's been a councillor of Pilgrims Ward since 2023 and was Deputy Mayor for 2023-2024.

About Sallie

Sallie began her commitment to public service during her teaching career. She served as an Officer in the Territorial Army for nearly 20 years. She moved to Guildford in 1988. She lives in Guildford with her partner, Phil. They enjoy the many social opportunities on offer and taking long walks in the nearby countryside.

Mayor's theme

In her Mayoral year Sallie will focus on 'Making connections for the wellbeing of our communities'. Sallie has a passion for bringing people together to work towards a common goal.  She hopes that her Mayoral year will provide the perfect opportunity to do this.

She particularly wants to encourage conversations about our wellbeing. Although unable to fundraise for all the great charities in our borough, she will attend as many events as possible. Sallie will help organisations to raise their profile and to fundraise for themselves.

She will support The Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund. It helps people facing financial problems. Guildford Philanthropy will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year. To mark this significant anniversary, Sallie will also be helping them to raise funds.

Find out more information about the Mayor. (PDF) [1MB]

Deputy Mayor

Councillor Howard Smith is the Deputy Mayor of Guildford for 2024-25.

Role of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor

A member of the council is elected to be the Mayor for the forthcoming year.

The Deputy Mayor is elected in the same way.

The Mayor, and in his or her absence the Deputy Mayor, has the following role:

  • to uphold and promote the purposes of the council's constitution 
  • to preside over meetings of the council so that business can be carried out efficiently 
  • to ensure that the council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community. 
  • to promote public involvement in the council's activities
  • to attend civic and ceremonial events

The Mayor traditionally steps back from party politics for his or her term of office. 

The Mayor does not deal with complaints. To complain about a council matter, go to our complaints page.

Request the Mayor's attendance for your event

Find out more about how to book the Mayor for your event and apply online.

Request the Mayor's attendance for your event

Plan your visit from the Mayor or Deputy Mayor

The questions and answers below will help you plan your visit from the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. 

How should I introduce the Mayor at a function and how should I address him or her?

✔ When introducing the Mayor at a function, please say: "The Worshipful the Mayor of Guildford, Councillor...
(first name and last name, for example, Sallie Barker)

✔ If the Mayor is accompanied by an official escort just add "and escort, Mr or Mrs...."

✔ In the case of a male Mayor who is accompanied by his Mayoress, just add "and the Mayoress, Mrs....."

✔ Please introduce the Deputy Mayor as "The Deputy Mayor of Guildford, Councillor ...." as with the Mayor.

✔  After the first introduction, the Mayor should be addressed as 'Madam Mayor'. Or in the case of a male Mayor - Mr Mayor, and the Mayoress (where applicable) as Madam Mayoress.

✔ The Deputy Mayor should be addressed as "Madam, or Mr, Deputy Mayor". The Mayor or Deputy Mayor's Escort should simply be referred to by their name.

When does the Mayor attend an event as the First Citizen of the Borough?

The Mayor is the principal guest at any social function in the borough to which he, or she, has been invited as Mayor.

As Mayor they attend as the First Citizen of the Borough and not as a representative of the council.

What time should the Mayor arrive at a function?

The Mayor arrives five to 10 minutes before the start of a function. Unless you have requested otherwise on the bid form/information sheet.

Make sure the Mayor is met by an officer of your organisation. They can escort and introduce the Mayor to the host or guests. It is important that the host is at the event for the whole of the Mayor's visit. 

Where should the Mayor be seated?

At a formal dinner, lunch etc, the Mayor traditionally sits on the immediate right of the host. The Mayor sits on the immediate right of the person presiding at a meeting, unless he, or she, is in the Chair.

What happens if the Mayor attends a church service?

At a church service, you must arrange for the Mayor to be met at the entrance to the church. The Mayor is then escorted to the front pew on the right hand side of the centre aisle. The only exception to this practice would be at a funeral service, or other private service. On these occasions, the Mayor would give up his, or her place to the family mourners and take the front pew on the left.

Can we take a photograph of the Mayor?

If you are a voluntary organisation, it is fine to take a photo of the Mayor during your event. Your organisation or club can use the images as you wish.

If a photo is to be used by a commercial organisation, you need prior written consent from the Mayor's office. This includes any reference to the Mayor in any advertising material for a company. 

What if a member of the royal family is also attending our event?

The Clerk to the Lieutenancy will advise on protocol. Contact the Mayor's office for guidance by emailing

What if the Deputy Mayor is representing the Mayor?

All the procedures above apply to the Deputy Mayor when attending an event on behalf of the Mayor.

Download a copy of our protocol information leaflet for 2024/25.  protocol information (PDF) [216KB]

Mayor's diary

If you have any queries about future events, email

Mayor of Guildford, Councillor Sallie Barker MBE, and Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard Smith


Friday 21 June to Sunday 7 July 2024


Friday 21 June

14:30              The Mayor, Councillor Sallie Barker, attends the Royal Grammar School's Sports Day at Guildford Spectrum, Parkway.


Saturday 22 June

12:30              The Mayor attends the Shackleford Fete at Norney Farm, Shackleford.

15:00              The Mayor attend The Guildford Society's Guildford Design Awards 2023 Exhibition at the White Lion Walk, Guildford.

20:30              The Mayor, accompanied by her Consort, Mr Phil Collier, attends the Albury Vineyard Full Moon Tour of The Vineyard at Albury Organic Vineyard, Albury.


Sunday 23 June

11:15              The Mayor attends the Surrey Joint Services' Charities Choral Mattins to mark Armed Forces Week in Surrey at Guildford Cathedral.

14:30              The Mayor joins the Surrey Mayors and Chairmen of the Surrey Districts for the Mayor of Waverley's Civic Service at St Thomas-of-The Bourne, Farnham.


Monday 24 June

11:30              The Mayor attends the Armed Forces Day Flag Raising at the Guildhall, Guildford.

18:30              The Mayor, accompanied by Mr Rob Durham, attends the Guildford Shakespeare Company's performance of Romeo and Juliet at the bandstand area of the Castle Grounds, Guildford.


Tuesday 25 June

15:50              The Mayor attends a private viewing of 'Our Time' 2024 Exhibition at HMP Send, Ripley Road, Send.

17:50              The Mayor attends the Royal Grammar School's Senior Prizegiving at Holy Trinity Church, Guildford.


Wednesday 26 June

09:50              The Mayor meets with Chinese students at the Guildhall, organised by the UK-China Culture and Education Centre.


Thursday 27 June

09:30              The Mayor attends a Governors Meeting at Abbot's Hospital, High Street, Guildford.

18:00              The Mayor attends The Meath Epilepsy Charity CEO & Trustees Summer Drinks Party at the Electric Theatre, Guildford.


Friday 28 June

18:45              The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard Smith, accompanied by the Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Debbie Smith, attends the West Horsley in Bloom at the West Horsley Village Hall, West Horsley.


Saturday 29 June

10:20              The Mayor attends the Pirbright Parish Council's Armed Forces Day at Lord Pirbright's Hall, Pirbright.

11:50              The Mayor attends the Ash Parish Council's Fete at the Ash Centre, Ash.

14:00              The Mayor attends the Scoutabout 2024 at the South of England Showground, Ardingly.


Sunday 30 June

14:00              The Mayor attends the Castle Green Bowling Club President's Fun Afternoon at the Castle Grounds, Guildford.

19:30              The Mayor, accompanied by her Consort, Mr Phil Collier, attends the Friary Brass Band Evening Joint Concert with the Surrey Brass Band at Christ Church, Guildford.


Tuesday 2 July

09:30              The Mayor attends the Guildford in Bloom School Awards at Clandon Park Garden Centre, Clandon Park, East Clandon.

19:45              The Deputy Mayor attends the Guildford East District Scouts Annual General Meeting at Cranleigh Scout Headquarters, Village Way, Cranleigh.


Wednesday 3 July

14:45              The Mayor attends the Guildford County School Celebration of Achievement at Guildford Cathedral.

18:00              The Mayor attends the Guildford Arts Summer Exhibition at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford.

19:00              The Mayor attends the Guildford Shakespeare Company's performance of 'Put Up Your Swords' at Guildford Cathedral.


Saturday 6 July

13:45              The Mayor attends the Guildford Lions Charity Raft Race and the Surrey Care Trust Duck Races at Millmead Lock, Guildford.


Sunday 7 July

11:00              The Mayor attends the Guildford Model Engineering Society Annual Gala at Burchetts Farm, Stoke Park, Guildford.

14:30              The Mayor attends a tour of Rosamund Community Garden at Pewley Way, Guildford.

The Mayor's charities

The Mayor, Councillor Sallie Barker will be supporting The Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund and several other local charities during her mayoral year, through various fund-raising events. 

The Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund

In Guildford, the Mayors have their own long-established charity, the Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund. The fund provides vital support by granting small sums of money to help those in genuine need.

The Mayor, Councillor Sallie Barker will proactively support the fund in her mayoral year. 

Guildford Community Lottery 

Support the Mayor's charities and be in with a chance of winning £25,000.

 Buy a ticket (opens new window)

Mayor's fundraising events

The Mayor holds fundraising events during the mayoral year to benefit their chosen charities.

This year Mayor Councillor Sallie Barker is supporting The Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund and several other local charities through various fund-raising events. Details of all events can be found on the digital flyer. (PDF) [1MB]

Mayor's Award for Service to the Community

This year's winners of the Mayor's Award for Service to the Community show the incredible dedication of volunteers across our borough.

Mayors Awards 2024

In total, 27 individuals and organisations received a Mayor's Award for Service to the Community 2024. This award recognises individuals, groups and organisations who have gone above and beyond to serve their local community.

  • Philip Beddoes
  • Daniel Bimson
  • Mike Blundell Jones
  • Sarah Brown
  • Susi Brown
  • Care for Guildford
  • Bridget Carter-Manning
  • Sue Charter
  • Amran Choudhury
  • Anne Concanen
  • Zita Delaney - Care For Guildford
  • Holly Dibdin
  • Christine Hetherington
  • John Hewitson
  • Sally Jenkinson
  • Barry Jutsum
  • Katherine Lester
  • Kat Mack
  • Veronica Melbourne
  • Jean Pankhurst
  • Gordon Reid
  • Julian Richards
  • Janet Robins
  • Jackie Smith - Care For Guildford
  • David Strudwick
  • Gavin Thomas
  • Phylis Wigmore
  • Patrick Yarnold