Heritage statement
When is a Heritage Statement needed?
A Heritage Statement is required if your project links to either:
- work affecting a listed building and/or its setting
- a new development in a conservation area
- demolition work in a conservation area
- work within an area of archaeological potential
- work within the area of a scheduled ancient monument
- work within a historic park or garden
What should be included in a Heritage Statement?
The purpose of a Heritage Statement is to:
- identify the significance of the protected building or area (this is called the heritage asset)
- justify your project
The level of detail you should provide depends on the importance of the heritage asset.
Effective statements will:
- identify the site, including any outbuildings and boundaries
- identify what type of heritage asset it is (e.g. a Listed Building, Conservation area etc.)
- describe the asset's nature (e.g. age, building type, materials used, general character) referring to its description on the building list or conservation area appraisal if possible
- show how the development site links to its surroundings
- show the asset's significance (use the guidance from Historic England (opens new window))
- describe the project (including scale, height, construction methods, materials, design, details, and any associated landscaping)
- show how the project affects the asset and/or its setting including (if needed):
- loss or concealment of any key features
- any compromised views
- any impact on the relationship between buildings
- any other impacts
- explain how the project will preserve, enhance, or increase awareness of the asset
- explain the steps you'll take to minimize or prevent any harm to the asset
- provide photographs or other evidence which explain or justify the proposal
You can find more information in:
- our Local Plan 2003 (Policies HE2, HE4, HE5, HE7 - HE10, HE12)
- our Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2019 (policy D3)
- the The National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (para 194)
- Planning Policy Statement 5 Practice Guide
- the National Planning Policy Guidance for Conserving and enhancing the historic environment (ID.18, paras 008 - 014)