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Infrastructure Delivery Plan

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) details key infrastructure which supports the Local Plan

Guildford Borough Infrastructure Delivery Plan December 2017 (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)

The Plan also includes an Infrastructure Schedule. We'll review and change it as we work on the Local Plan.  

The latest Infrastructure Schedule is Appendix 6 of the Local Plan. 

Infrastructure baseline 

The Infrastructure Baseline study was used to inform the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. It examines Guildford's existing infrastructure. This includes the following types: 

  • physical 
  • community 
  • social 

The plan reviews: 

  • type 
  • quality 
  • existing capacity 

For some infrastructure types, it notes any plans which shaped past development. 

Infrastructure baseline (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)

Education Review 

The Education Review considers the need for extra school places while the Local Plan is in effect. We used it to consider whether we needed to plan for new education infrastructure. 

Guildford Draft Local Plan: Education Review (May 2016) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Surrey County Council informed our education provision proposals in 2017 and are satisfied our needs can be met.